
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Can We Make a Difference?

Does this question ever bounce around in your head like it does in mine?  Often I feel like I'm spinning my wheels wondering if anything I do is having any lasting impact on the world.  Then there is a glimpse of positive progress forward and I sit back with a smile on my face thinking "I did make a difference!"
I went to The City Paper web site to read an article I was interested in. The ad on the side of the home page caught my eye and I realized it was for Compassion International. If you read my last posting you know I had the opportunity to visit the head quarters and one of the project sites. I wrote an article and submitted it. I've been very excited about it because I worked hard on it to combine statistical need with the emotional reality of the impact of poverty on children. I waited for the article to come out in the June issue of the paper but the editor notified me that he was holding the story to do a larger section on need in Colombia.  So I am anxiously awaiting the July issue to read the greater story.  
I feel such a small part in letting a larger group of people know about the opportunity to help children in Colombia!

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