
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Passion Week Introduction

The week of reflection between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday is often referred to as “Passion Week”.  The term “passion” comes from the Latin word passio which means suffering.  
This week is dedicated to the reminder of what Christ suffered for us.  We travel the path of suffering that He experienced on our behalf beginning with his Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.  As Jesus walks with steady feet day by day to fulfill His purpose He is focused.  His response to the Pharisees when they try to distract Him and send Him away is “I will reach my goal.  In any case, I must keep going today and tomorrow and the next day”  Luke13:32b-33a.  
Jesus is turning a corner of remembering the old in the celebration of Passover while introducing the new by teaching His disciples to observe The Lord’s Supper.  Throughout this week as we somberly reflect on the events preceding Jesus’ crucifixion, death and burial, we remember our old self, steeped in sin, then rejoice on Easter morning with the resurrection of Christ that once and for all conquered death.  The passion that Jesus has for us is truly revealed through the suffering he willingly experienced on our behalf.  In turn, we should be passionate in our worship of Him.

We invite you to join me as each day this week as I travel the dusty road with Jesus.  With your eyes focused on the cross, walk the path of suffering that Jesus took for you.  Then on Easter Sunday celebrate His resurrection and the new life you have been offered. 

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