My husband arranged for me to spend the day with the wife of a colleague of his. Crossing the boarders of culture and age I had no idea how the day would go, but within the first few moments I realized I had found a friend.
For me the day began with taking the motor-pool to the Marriott Hotel where my husband had arranged a car and driver for us. The driver took me over to her office where I waited for her. When she came out and greeted me, her smile drew me in. Being a little clueless I left the day up to her. She broke the ice by taking me to a designer dress shop. The shalwar kameez (meaning "pants & shirt" - it is the style of clothing worn in Pakistan & India by both men and women) were exquisite. Many of the outfits in this store were what would be worn to a wedding. The colors and bead work were stunning. We had fun looking and trying a few things on. We hid in the dressing room taking pictures and laughing. Thus we began a fun day of shopping together. She took me to different markets doing all the bargaining for me. We had lunch at a great little restaurant where the mild entrees did not burn my mouth. (Later after talking to my husband I learned that this restaurant has a reputation for leaving their chicken sit out and many Americans have ended up sick after the experience.) The day gave me an opportunity to ask her questions. No more did I have to rely on hearsay. She was very comfortable and I felt I could be completely honest in my impressions. Through this time of chatting together, I began to understand some of the culture and customs of this country.
We ended our day together at her home looking through her wedding albums. Remembering both of our wedding days, no matter how different the ceremonies, clothing and celebrations were, we were able to share a common joy.
I find your entries very exciting. I took Cross Cultural Sociology in college - it was my favorite. When Greg and I lived in New Jersey...half of his coworkers were from India. I remember the night going to one of their homes and eating authentic food...then stories of arranged marriages to Indian men working in America...married in India and taken away from their families to move to America and married to a stranger